It seems that you can hardly navigate the internet these
days without running across a hate filled diatribe against the “evil old men”
who are trying to “take my contraception from me!!!!” It’s usually accompanied by something about how women have
fought long and hard for these “rights” and how the “Roman Catholic Church
needs to stay out of my bedroom.”
The standard, unoriginal arguments show the complete lack of
understanding for the actual issue that is being argued at the moment, but in
the past few days I’ve seen it taken even further, with hatred being spewed at
“friends” on facebook that is downright evil. I’ve seen someone say to a friend that people who believe
that contraception is wrong should be “wiped off the face of the earth” and
I’ve seen incredibly disgusting rants filled with profanity and obscene
references to bodily parts that would make a demon proud.
But the previous sentence telling in itself isn’t it? My reference to demons? Because I very much do believe in good
and evil in this world, which, according to a panel I saw on CNN last week, is
quite laughable and should apparently disqualify any person for public
office. Or at the very least
result in three smug men laughing hysterically that anyone could still have
such antiquated notions, on national TV.
I’ve seen calmly written paragraphs explaining why Catholics
simply don’t want to pay for something they believe is morally evil and I’ve
seen vitriolic rage spouted in response, spouting the same old “lies” that
basically say we’re just “repressing” a “woman’s right” to “express her

And my heart aches as I watch the progression of lies that
has unfolded this past century, and because of all the lives it has claimed and
all the lives that will yet be destroyed by this great evil.
In our culture sex has been transformed in the last century,
from something private and sacred, something that should be guarded and valued,
to a commodity and a “right,” something that can be bargained for “power” and
immediate gratification. We
believe that we can separate the act from its natural consequence, without
repercussions, and when nature proves that it can’t be thwarted, we think that
murder is a nice solution.

I’ve also heard
it the cliché “the Church should stay out of our bedrooms!” more often than I
care to think of this week, spouted by “Catholics” who have likely never
understood what their Church actually teaches. And they just don’t understand that the Church isn’t “in their
bedroom” but is responsible for guiding us to heaven, and trying to keep our
immortal souls from committing a mortal sin, and completely severing the soul
from God.
I also think it’s interesting that we can “stay out of their
bedrooms” while simultaneously demanding is that we pay for their sexual
preferences and contraceptives.
The thing is, as wrong as we believe contraception is, we
aren’t arguing that it should be eliminated. We’re arguing that we shouldn’t have to violate our
consciences by paying for it.
Even on a secular level I’m disgusted with the idea of
paying for The Pill. I don’t want
to pay for someone else’s cigarettes either. I refuse to pay to destroy life, whether it’s born or
unborn. I have a problem paying
for something that the International Agency for Research for Cancer, a research
arm of the World Health Organization, classified as a Group 1 Carcinogen,
putting it in the same class as cigarettes and asbestos. I have a problem paying for something
that causes a woman who has taken it for 5 years four times more likely to
develop cervical cancer. I’m
disgusted by the idea that I’d pay for something that causes young women who’ve
taken it for 4 years prior to their first birth to have an increased breast
cancer risk of 52%. And while the
American Medical Association warns women that post-menopausal hormones are
likely causing advanced and deadly breast cancer, they stop short of pointing
out that the same hormones, at six times the dosage are given to women
regularly as contraception (read the entire article, with all the sources, here).
wow cam, what an amazing article and argument. you are an incredible woman of god! can't wait to read your first book.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness!! That was beautiful! Thank you for summing up what I have been thinking! There is evil in the world! Mary, Queen of Heaven pray for us!
BRAVO, Cam! This is the best-written post on this subject I've seen thus far. I totally agree, 100%.
ReplyDeleteOn an unrelated note, I really wish we lived closer! I think we would be good friends, and our kids would get along fantastic. Maybe one day. :)
God bless you & your family.
ReplyDeletePut simply, I do not want to subsidize anyone's sex life.
ReplyDeleteAs to banning contraceptives, my first reaction was curiosity. I was surprised someone would have the guts to propose such a worthy venture. Imagine my disappointment when it turned out to merely be a political smokescreen.
The nonsense sloganeering that you have quoted does get tiresome. Let's not forget my favorite: "This isn't a Theocracy!" As if that is even remotely a problem right now. Most who say that wouldn't even know what a Catholic confessional state looks like, let alone a theocracy. Then I start thinking maybe I should show them an example and this little voice in the back of my head says "you know, that ain't a bad idea" and I get this itch to raise the double eagle banner and, well, ya... probably best that I just stick to argument.
Well done - I love the cigarettes example.
ReplyDeleteExtremely well spoke, Cam. May you be blessed a thousand-fold for your continued courage.
well said!
ReplyDeleteWell said. I wish I had your gift for expessing myself in words.
ReplyDeleteExcellent article, thank-you for posting this. I do need some clarification though, as I'm Canadian and I'm not familiar with the HHS mandate. I was under the impression that tax money was not going towards contraceptives, it was insurance money that was. Could you, or someone clairfy this for me? Again, very well written :)
Hi Rochelle-
ReplyDeleteIn the US tax money goes to abortion and contraceptives already.
You are right, the HHS mandate is about Catholic employers being required to pay for their employees contraceptive service charges. Which is kind of ridiculous since contraceptives are easily available for free to pretty much everyone (even wealthy young girls could go to a Planned Parenthood and sign a paper saying they don't want their parents to know via insurance and they'll be given packs and packs of birth control). It's really just a political move, forcing Catholic institutions to violate their consciences.
The reason I said "I" in paying is because we live at one of the Catholic institutions that would be slammed by this if it goes through (and because as Catholics this really is about "us" and about all religious people in this country!). I hope that helps.
To better understand how awful the mandate is you might want to check out this link too!
Thank-you for the information :)
ReplyDeleteAwesome post!!!
ReplyDeleteVery well put!
ReplyDeleteI think this is one of the most articulately written stances against contraception. I'm not against it per se, but I do respect the right of Catholic companies to not fund it as it goes against their beliefs.
ReplyDeleteWhat *really* got my dander up, though, was Rush Limbaugh's shaming of Sandra Fluke (the Georgetown student speaking in support of publicly funded contraception), calling her a "slut" and a "prostitute". It's in VERY bad taste on his part, it's offensive to women to use that kind of language, and it drowns out the more sensible voices on the conservative side of things.
I find it interesting that on one side, it's "a risk of pregnancy" while on the other it's "open to pregnancy". I like the more positive wording :)
Well said! Perhaps post on ACWB?
ReplyDeleteI really believe there needs to be more education of women regarding effects of birth control, and the mechanisms by which it works. I'm not a Catholic. I'm simply a Christian--I don't know that I "fit" 100% with any given denomination, and that's okay with me, because denominations were created by man. I just want to fit with Christ. A few years ago, I made the choice to use Mirena after the birth of my third (?) child. I had been led by advertising to believe that b/c it contained the same hormones as the pill, it worked LIKE the pill, by preventing ovulation from occurring (stick with me). Imagine my shock when I read the package insert prior to the insertion procedure and discovered the primary action of Mirena is to make the womb inhospitable and thereby prevent implantation of a fertilized ovum! I was against tradition IUDs, b/c I knew this was how they worked, but we're led to believe that because of the hormones, Mirena works differently. Lies! I immediately refused, and went back to my less convenient pills. Only now, a few days ago, as a matter of fact, do I learn that pills also have this same effect, even if it is not considered their "primary" action. Now, I was a pill baby. It never occurred to me that this was a potential problem. I think it is mostly glossed over, and, to a great degree, hidden from the general public. We are taught that the pill prevents ovulation, thereby preventing sperm and egg from ever coming together, and life being created. And if this fails, you get pregnant. The end. Women need to know the whole truth about what we put into our bodies. If you believe women "have the right" to these things (abortions, contraceptives, etc.) you should also believe they have the right to have all pertinent information to use in the making of these decisions, and the intelligence to interpret and apply that information.
ReplyDeletefantastically awesome amazing wonderful article!!!
ReplyDeleteI love how our (practicing Catholics) articles on this subject are so calm and well thought out, unlike the crazed, foaming at the mouth anti-religious freedom nuts screaming that anyone who is against the mandate "hates women!"
What malarky. I'm a woman. I don't hate women. I hate violations of my religious freedom.